Monday, April 20, 2020

I guess the whole "posting everyday" thing is already off to a rocky start. Anyway, happy 4/20. I hope everyone's had a good day. Things are kinda sucky right now, but I think it'll get better. Just hope I can keep that mindset up. Other than that, nothing much is happening. Jacksonville beaches opened up lmao, Floridians dude. I write like a twelve year old and I'm sorry haha. Relationships suck, stay single until you can financially support yourself or something. Half the time I don't even know if I'm in a relationship because we talk like once a day. Safe to say that it's probably over. Oh well, I'll get over it eventually, I hope he's happy, honestly. If anyone deserves to be happy it's him. I guess I just wasn't the right one. He's really great, I'll miss him. 17 years old and this was my first real relationship. It was really great while it lasted, and I love him and the memories we have. This relationship didn't suck lol so don't take it that way, it just wasn't good timing. And that's okay. :)

New song: Josslyn by Olivia O' Brien

Friday, April 17, 2020

I guess I should start out with a little bit about myself. My name is Taylor, I'm a 17 year old high school student currently navigating through life and trying to keep my head above water. I lead a relatively normal life but I tend to have a different point of view on most things than everyone else. I love to write and I use it as an escape from the normality of things so I figured I'd start a blog to help out anyone who might be going through the same things as me whether it be high school, relationships, or just dealing with rocky mental health. Even if you just want some dope song suggestions cause I will definitely be adding those to my posts on here. Being a teenager isn't as easy as everyone makes it out to be. Most of the time we aren't taken seriously, it's hard to talk to people older than us if we need help, and high school sucks. I want to post on here everyday so reach out to me and if you have questions about anything, I will do my best to help you out. I'm really chill, I don't bite, and chances are, I've dealt with the same thing. Things get hard, we struggle, we get stressed, we're human. It's okay. So, to conclude, I hope everyone has a great day.

Song of the day- Deleter by Grouplove